When it’s time to sell your house, you may be feeling a little anxious. A chapter of your life is closing. There’s a lot of money on the table. You may be thinking “Is my house priced too high?” “Too low?” “Am I leaving too much money on the table?” These are big questions.
Luckily, you have a few resources at your disposal to figure out where your house stands among the crowd: a listing agent’s expertise and guidance, plus online property sites to get insight into the market.
So take a deep breath. Then do your homework. The more you know, the more confident you’ll be when it’s time to make those big decisions.
Turn to Local Experts — Because They Really Know Their Stuff
The good news: Local market info is freely available online, so you, the seller, can get a sense of what your house is worth.
The bad news: Local market info is freely available online, so most buyers will also have a general idea of what they think your home is worth.
When pricing your house, a listing agent has your back in a way an online property listing site just can’t. An agent:
- Has real world experience in your community.
- Knows the nuances of your neighborhood’s micro-market.
- Can expertly assess how your home compares to similar ones recently sold in your area.
- Can tour your property to determine, inside and out, where your house fits in the real estate landscape.
A website will do none of the above.
An agent will, yes, consider online market data to help you set the price of your home. But they will also rely on firsthand knowledge about your home’s unique perks (and quirks), as well as about the neighborhood, to better inform your listing price.
He or she can also recommend ways to market your house (Instagram-able photos, blog-worthy descriptions, etc.), pro stagers who can set your home up to dazzle buyers, and inspectors and contractors who can make any needed repairs.
That being said, you’ll want to have your own sense of what your house is worth too. As invaluable as a listing agent is to your selling journey, being the seller means you’re also the final decision maker.
So keep your laptop out. We’re going to do a little research.
Get a comparative market analysis of your property:
If you are looking to sell, don’t hire the first agent you know. Interview a few and go with the one you feel will represent you better. If you have questions, feel free to reach out.
Kelvin Angulo
Real Estate Sales Associate
One Stop Realty.
Original post from HouseLogic https://www.houselogic.com/sell/how-to-sell-step-by-step/home-market-analysis/?site_ref=mosaic